Choose to Reuse on Your Next Adventure

Kick your camping ⛺ and outdoor adventure 🛶 season off right by choosing a reusable 1 lb. propane cylinder through a participating ReFuel Your Fun Program retailer!

Avoid Single-Use 1 lb.
Propane Cylinders
Choose Reusable 1lb.
Propane Cylinders
🚨 Safety❌”Empty” single-use 1 lb. propane containers often contain a small amount of flammable gas, posing a danger to sanitation workers✅Sanitation workers receive fewer cylinders to process, reducing risks of explosion and fire
🚛 Waste Reduction & Durability❌ Limited, expensive recycling and disposal options
❌ Empty cylinders often discarded improperly
❌ Not safe to refill after one use
❌ No exchange options
✅Can be refilled hundreds of times for up to 10 years
✅Can be exchanged for a full 1 lb. propane cylinder if not refilled (at participating locations)
💲 Cost-Effective ❌ Cheaper up front (~$7)
❌ Expensive for facilities, recyclers, and parks to safely dispose of
✅Slightly more expensive up front (~$20), but less expensive after just a few uses (~$2 per refill)
✅Some locations (like Sports Basement) offer free refills for reusable cylinders purchased through them

To find out how to safely dispose of your single-use 1 lb. propane cylinders visit the ReFuel Your Fun (RFYF) website.

Are you a business looking to be more sustainable? Here are three ways to get involved with RFYF:

  1. Sell, exchange, and/or refill reusable 1 lb. propane cylinders. 🏪
  2. Promote reusables with free shelf talkers, flyers, and stickers provided by Environmental Health Services. 📄
  3. Host a RFYF exchange or promotional event. ⛺

For more information about the RFYF Program visit or contact the program coordinator Emilie Dirck at 📧, 📲 (650) 464-7079, or book an appointment for a site visit consultation.